In the attempt to solve the riddle of life through the parable of Mankind, the question written by sages in Jewish Mishna, “know where you came from and where you are going to”, is not enough in our era to dictate the qualities of your nature.
You must answer harder questions such: what is it that I’m supposed to do here and how I’m suppose to do it.
You had zero impact on your past, and in the exact same way you have zero impact on your future, unless something is going to happen today. For good and for worse.
Something fundamental very profound must happen today, which will lead you towards unknown future, where you’ll be in living hell, and from there on, if you graduated successfully the course of Human nature, life will tell you you’re not whom you thought you were.
Processing the unknown to pieces, can be translated by the skills you’re preparing today and the quality of the spiritual tools you’re practicing on yourself and by your surroundings. one of the biggest outcomes of such lesson, is “there’s no I anymore. there’s us”. gradually transforming the individual to be communal.
As almost Every nation has history and potential vision, while every individual has also history and hopefully a fulfilling meaning for life, which in most cases driven by material means, I would like to stop 🛑 here and ask, which tools should we develop to be able to succeed by the unknown at any time & space?
They all claim to have a future generator that creates changing ideologies, While in fact we all came from the same rotten drop, and go to To a place full of dirt and maggots and worms, as written above in Jewish Mishnah. and if that’s the case, what’s the point of life if I can’t change my future?
I assume I don’t need to say and it’s obvious that we live in an era where knowledge was replaced by creativity and IQ by skills. and when I say skills, I mostly refer to spiritual skills.
So, how to qualify Nobel people, where intelligence can’t be inherited and spiritual skills can’t be purchased at any academic inst.
In that case, the question above “where you came from…” is not enough to testify
The qualities of your human nature. It is necessary to understand “what exactly are you doing today and how you’re doing it”. because your natural skills were inherited by your mother and your physical skills by your father. that’s it. from now on, you’re on your own.
Believe it or not, there is an Israeli company in cyber security industry which developed an algorithm that automatically detects human “personality sins” by tracking the nature of each employee behaviour in each application he/she uses.
Yes, they know exactly to detect what application anomaly behavior you did, and being able to predict when you will make anomaly again within the organization. Amazing eh?
We must learn to develop and control our natural skills which will help to protect us from ourselves and from our surroundings.
If you have the book 📕 for that, which guides you, how your mind controls your nature, it’s time to nurture, as the world won’t accept long term hypocrisy. spiritual person is a person with the most developed natural skills.
And for those who still wonder how to access to the infinite bank of wisdom, answer lies on the very simple fact, which is your ability to connect each individual’s mindset. In other words, if you don’t know how to love every human with the manners he wants to be in love, you’ll never be able to succeed in whatever you do, when it comes to success in 21st century.
This is the No.1 constitution of life, in which with this constitution all true religions were built in order to provide the tools to nurture such heavy task. the more details you contain, the bigger is the presence of God within you.
not following the above constitution, might end up with game SUM ZERO. and for those of you that know the history of the world all greatest nations were vanished (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Percha), gone with the wind, besides Israel.
Folks, to be able to control the future, requires new set of tools. the change must come from within for true redemption.
The world is changing, but it will never change you. It’s your duty to make the impact on the world.
to be able to change your future:
- you must speak the language the entire world spoke, the holy language.
- you must develop the spiritual skills which will guide you how to deal with the chaos in the successful manner. no side effects.
- your must practice with a whole set of tools to re-think, re-talk & re-behave.
all that in order to give you true independency. a whole new way of life, which will guide you not to be dependent in any material means.
in the debate of hedonism VS. ideology, hedonism always won. we must stop and ask the toughest questions. why am I here? what is it the reason I’m still alive? what will give me constant life and how to guarantee my life will be meaningful when I’ll be out of job.
We didn’t come to this world to be CEO, CIO, CISO , VP, or any other title.
These are just means to purify our nature.
Don’t look outside. Life will cause you disorder. Change must come from within.
the world can protect itself from itself. but, it has serious difficulties protecting itself from Humans.
David Boterson