The empowered becomes an empowering through the empowerment process
Kindergartens and elementary schools are like a hothouse, with huge potential to shape the character and soul of each child – in the short and long term. During these years (kindergarten through 8th grade), it is possible to teach the student how to fully maximize their mental and emotional capabilities and develop their cognizance in preparation for their adult life and future.
Essentially, the educational staff involved during these years has a decisive role and significant influence on the student’s future and development.
This matter requires unique conduct and the imparting of cognitive tools that empower the educational staff, so that they can develop their students while providing them with unique tools and skills in the areas of thought, behavior and mindset.
Early childhood and elementary school frameworks throughout the world, while they have a large potential to make a long-term impact, place great emphasis on the didactic and pedagogical process and focus less on the process of developing and empowering their students through the educational staff.
Thus, there is an inherent paradox: these children, who can be empowered in so many areas of knowledge and mindset, learn these subjects from people with huge educational potential whose contribution is expressed primarily in didactic-pedagogical teaching. They do not experience a holistic personal empowerment process by learning from their teachers in elementary school, who are supposed to be serving as role models.
Out of this need, the Iproject program was born. It enables the Educational staff
and students to undergo an exceptional empowerment experience, during which they receive the didactic, cognitive and practical tools to empower their students, the student’s parents and everyone around them.
In addition, the unfortunate reality is that the self-image of elementary school teachers is not very high. Some even feel personally inadequate due to the fact that they work with “little kids” and not adolescents in high school or college students in academia, which is viewed as professionally prestigious.